Infographic: How a Robot is Impacting Students with Autism Around the Nation
Despite the best efforts of educators, therapists, and paras, advancements in social-emotional learning, as well as effective use of innovative technology, have not crossed over to educating students with autism with the same impact or effect as with their non-disabled peers.
The CDC recently reported the number of children in the U.S. with autism has increased from 1 in 68 to 1 in 59. Robust intervention is more important than ever before. Many students with ASD are still receiving basic positive and negative behavior reinforcement that might help them get through the day, but won’t adequately prepare them for everyday life or life after school.
It’s time to create lasting change for students with ASD. Download the infographic and see how Milo has made a difference in the lives of countless SPED students across the nation.