Recess: A Digital Playground

How RoboKind is transforming education for autistic students in South Ripley

Written by Richard Margolin | May 16, 2023 7:37:00 PM

RoboKind designs and manufactures advanced social robots and evidence-based curriculum programs to help educators across the world improve student outcomes. One of our products is Milo, a humanoid robot that can interact with students on the autism spectrum and teach them social and emotional skills.

South Ripley Elementary School in Indiana is one of the schools that has been selected to pilot RoboKind's program for autistic students. The school received a grant from the Indiana Department of Education to implement the program for 12 weeks with 10 students.

The program consists of using Milo to deliver lessons on topics such as greetings, emotions, turn-taking, and conversation skills. The students also use tablets to answer questions and practice what they learned with Milo. The lessons are aligned with the Indiana Academic Standards and the Social Emotional Learning Competencies.

"The variation that you can do with the robot is incredible. We see students use the Calm Down strategies in real life situations, like playing on the playground."

-Casey Hutton, South Ripley Elementary Teacher

According to the school's principal, Amy Linkel, the program has been very beneficial for the students. She said that they have shown more engagement, confidence, and motivation to learn with Milo. She also said that the program has helped the students develop positive relationships with their peers and teachers.

RoboKind's program is not only effective, but also affordable and accessible. The company offers flexible pricing options and online training for educators who want to use their robots and curriculum. They also provide ongoing support and data analysis to monitor student progress and outcomes.

RoboKind's mission is to create a more inclusive and equitable education system for all students, especially those who face learning challenges. By using innovative technology and research-based curriculum, they are making a difference in the lives of autistic students and their families.

Learn more about how RoboKind could benefit your students. 



Original news story here