Recess: A Digital Playground

RoboKind Phonics Study Validates Effectiveness

Written by Richard Margolin | May 25, 2023 7:47:00 PM

We are excited to share that our new phonics program, RoboKind Phonics, has been validated by a peer-reviewed study published in the International Journal of Educational Research Open. The study, titled “The Impact of a Humanoid Robot on Early Literacy Achievement”, found that students who used RoboKind Phonics with our friendly robot Milo achieved significant gains in letter-sound identification and reading levels compared to their peers.

RoboKind Phonics is a play-based, explicit, and systematic phonics program aligned with the Science of Reading. It is designed for ease of use and high-fidelity implementations, and it includes everything you need to deliver a meaningful early literacy curriculum that students love. RoboKind Phonics uses research- and evidence-based practices that lead to measurable outcomes your teachers can celebrate.

The results showed that the treatment group outperformed the control group on all measures. The treatment group identified 21 more letter sounds in a minute and increased by four reading levels compared to the control group. The treatment group also increased their nonsense word fluency by 14 words per minute, while the control group decreased by one word per minute. The researchers concluded that RoboKind Phonics had a positive impact on early literacy achievement and engagement.

Not only did students who used RoboKind Phonics with Milo achieve significant gains in letter-sound identification and reading levels compared to their peers, but they also demonstrated higher levels of enjoyment with reading. This suggests that RoboKind Phonics is not only effective in teaching early literacy skills but also makes learning to read a fun and enjoyable experience for students. By using play-based learning principles and interactive technology, RoboKind Phonics engages students and helps them develop a love for reading that can last a lifetime.

The author of the study, Dr. Jessica Redcay, said: “This study provides compelling evidence that RoboKind Phonics is an effective and engaging way to teach early literacy skills to young learners. RoboKind Phonics leverages the power of play and the science of reading to accelerate early literacy development.”

We are proud of this study and the results it demonstrates. We believe that RoboKind Phonics can make a difference in the lives of many students who struggle with reading. If you are interested in learning more about RoboKind Phonics, please visit our website or contact us today.

For more information on our phonics program click here.