What is an RK Champion?
RoboKind appreciates the role every adult plays in helping students be successful. Each month we highlight a few partners who have exceptional use cases in all different areas of engagement with RoboKind. Not only are these facilitators highlighted in our newsletter to showcase their usage, but they also receive some RoboKind swag to celebrate!
November’s RK Champion Challenge
This month, we will be highlighting partners who are using the Generalization Activities from the RoboKind Curriculum Guide (found in the Teacher Tools area of RoboKind Central)!

Did you know that the RoboKind Curriculum Guide has over 260 generalization activities for your students to practice what they learned with Milo and his friends?
Once a student shows mastery with a lesson using the RoboKind Companion, the facilitator can move to the generalization activities found inside the RoboKind Curriculum Guide at the end of each lesson. Using the same core vocabulary and visual icons found in the robot and avatar lessons, our structured and naturalistic practice activities support the bridge between robot- and avatar-led activities and real life. Communication with different social partners during these activities can provide opportunities for varying and increased levels of difficulty depending on the needs of the child.

How do you compete in November’s RoboKind Champion Challenge?
Throughout the month of November, tag us on social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Twitter) each time you post pictures of you and/or your students engaging with the RoboKind generalization activities (with parent permission, of course!). Each social media entry post counts as one entry and we’ll do a random drawing at the end of the month to select our winners. If you post the same content across three of your social media platforms, that counts as three separate posts! If you do that three of the four weeks of November, that’s nine entries!

Happy posting!