Thanks to Marc Hagen at Closing the Gap for featuring RoboKind on the Front Page Report. Read the full article here.
RoboKind is an education technology company using assistive technology to improve social-emotional outcomes for autistic students. Over 400 districts work with RoboKind’s CASE-endorsed program which includes facially-expressive robots and an SEL curriculum based on a multidisciplinary developmental-behavioral approach, leveraging speech-language pathology, occupational therapy, applied behavioral analysis (ABA) principles, and developed with the assistance of subject -matter experts, professionals, and educators.
Facially-Expressive, Assistive Robots
From the beginning, they designed their robots to support and meet the needs of special educators as they guide their autistic students toward social-emotional mastery.
Among the many movements they make, each robot replicates most human facial expressions and speaks 20% slower than most people. The embedded chest screen displays core vocabulary and icons, an important evidence-based practice.
Each of their robots also has a name, inspired by the values and commitments of the individuals they admire.