Just in time for the new school year, we have made several exciting new updates to the RoboKind program, including:
- New Lessons
- Updated Tools for Engagement
- Family Resources
- Platform Enhancements on RoboKind Central.
CASE-Endorsed Curriculum
RoboKind's social-emotional learning curriculum just got even better with new evidence-based interventions.
Three New Lessons
Thanks to your input, we have created new lessons to target skills your students need support developing.
The curriculum has been slightly restructured separating out the Introductory Module from the RoboQuiz.

Handwashing Lesson
On the way to developing a new Hygiene Module, we are releasing our first lesson dedicated to handwashing. This is a highly requested lesson as scholars reenter the classroom post-pandemic.
Here's a look at one of the video models included in the lesson experience.
Red Light, Green Light
Students love this game! The Red Light, Green Light lesson has been enhanced as a tool to increase classroom engagement. Try it in your inclusive classrooms and see your student's reaction.
Meet My Friends!
This lesson is designed to target conversational IEP goals, and features introductions to your robot's diverse group of friends.
RoboKind Central Updates
Central.RoboKind.com is the platform used to connect your robot and personal devices. This is where you can access:
- classroom and student data
- teacher tools
- family resources and more.
Partners: Log in here to access RoboKind's new enhancements!
Printable Generalization Activities
Teacher Tools on RoboKind Central have been updated to include coloring activities and visual supports to better implement "Robot Time" for students' visual schedules.

Spanish Newsletters
RoboKind is dedicated to expanding our impact to reach even more students and their families. We have transadapted our Family Resources to Spanish, allowing Spanish-speaking families to understand the program their students are using at school.
This is how RoboKind supports the growing population of ELL students in special education.
Student Goal Alignment
No more manual IEP mapping! In 2022, RoboKind added an IEP Skills Goal Matrix allowing educators to select and filter lessons based on targeted social, communication, and behavioral IEP goals.
You can add these goals to student profiles on RoboKind Central, by selecting the "IEP" icon next to the student's name.
RoboKind Companion App
The RoboKind Companion app is primarily used to connect the robot with student and facilitator devices. We made it easier for lesson facilitators to customize lessons for the student they're working with.
Lesson Progress Indicator
Does a 5 minure lesson sometimes feel like 15? We added a bar at the bottom of the screen showing lesson progress. This will help you keep track of where your students are at during the lesson experience and encourage them to stay engaged until the end.
Now, educators can monitor lesson progression in real-time on the RoboKind Companion App.

Speed Controls
RoboKind robots have an adjusted speech speed to accommodate auditory processing needs. You now have the ability to adjust your robot's speed to enhance engagement for learners as they run lessons.
We know engagement is the key to generalization, making this a highly requested feature for students on the spectrum and in inclusion classrooms.
Educators can locate the setting under Lesson Controls on the RoboKind Companion App, on the right side under Facilitator Controls.

It's time to update your Robot and Companion App
To get access to all of these exciting new features, be sure to update your Robot and RoboKind Companion App before the start of the 2022 school year. If you need some help, we got you covered:
So, What's Next?
We don't want to leave you hanging. So here's a sneak peek at upcoming updates to the RoboKind program. On the horizon, we will be adding personalized student and classroom profiles to better support student goal planning, personalized learning, and best practices in the classroom. Also, improved reporting features and more new lessons including transitional lessons and bullying.
We'd love to hear from you! We highly encourage your team to submit feedback to us at support.robokind.com.
Want more info about these new features? Check out our release notes HERE.
New to RoboKind? Learn more HERE.
Already a partner? Submit your feedback HERE.
Want to bring robots to your district? Request a quote HERE.