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Exploring New Updates and Enhancements: "Choose Your Own Adventure"

Shauna Hedgepeth Aug 2, 2024 10:06:18 AM
Milo holding binoculars in front of a map containing islands labeled

We’re incredibly excited about our new updates and hope you’ll “Choose Your Own Adventure” to discover which ones are the most impactful to you! Select your adventure below to watch a short video and see a description of the enhancement. We also included links to our Knowledge Base and how to find them. 

Let’s Go!

Social Skills: New “Calm Down Anywhere” and “Safety Drill” Module Enhancements in Teacher Tools

Add IEP Goals to Lessons from New Modules

Family Resources for Lessons in New Modules

Lesson Plans and Structured Activities for Lessons in New Modules

New Evidenced-Based Practices Document

New Explanation of Mastery Stars Document

Phonics: New Enhancements in Companion App and Teacher Tools

Sort Phonics Lessons by Standard

Phonics Assessment: “Add Correct Letter Sounds” Score

Phonics Assessment: Non-Verbal/Pre-Verbal Learners Can Skip Assessment

Phonics Assessment: Can Be Used as Placement Tests

Science of Reading Crosswalk and State-Specific Standard Alignment

RK Central: Enhancements in IEP Goals for Social Skills and Phonics

Enhanced and Customizable IEP Goals

Print Student IEP Goals


Prefer a video overview of the new enhancements? We've got a 5-minute video for you from Dr. Lisa Kershaw, Lead Partnership Success Manager! 


The Adventure Begins!


Add IEP Goals to Lessons From New Modules

We know that educators strive to deliver personalized instruction that aligns with students’ IEP goals. Not only can teachers include our new lessons when assigning Social Skills IEP goals in RK Central, but we also have a new Social Skills IEP and Lesson Document in RK Central that provides an overview of how our lessons correspond to each IEP goal – all in one page!

IEP Goals Matrix

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Family Resources for Lessons in New Modules

Working with families to ensure students are connecting classroom instruction to the world they experience at home is a huge priority for educators. We now have family resources in RK Central for our new “Calm Down Anywhere” and “Safety Drill” modules in RK Central in our Teacher Tools area! Having these letters and activities to send home with students allows your families to stay informed and engaged in each student’s social skills development. Available in English and Spanish!

Family Resources

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Lesson Plans and Structured Activities for Lessons in New Modules

Looking for lesson plans and activities for our “Calm Down Anywhere” and “Safety Drill” modules? Look no further than our RoboKind Social Skills Supplemental Facilitator Guide in RK Central in our Teacher Tools area! With 9 lesson plans and 12 structured activities spanning 214 pages, you’ll have everything you need to teach these important new skills to your students and help you streamline your lesson planning!

Resources New Module

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New Evidence-Based Practices Document

Looking for documentation on how RoboKind incorporates Evidence-Based Practices recommended by the National Autism Center? We now have a document showcasing the alignment between our Social Skills lessons and 22 of the 28 EBP’s in our Teacher Tools area!


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Explanation of Mastery Stars Document

“What exactly do the mastery stars mean and how can I use them to guide instruction?“  You asked and we listened! Along with our support on Accessing your RK Social Skills Data, we created “Understanding Mastery Stars” to help you determine the right pathway for students to learn, master, and generalize their social skills!

Mastery Stars

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Sort Phonics Lessons by Standard

To help educators maximize instructional time, we streamlined our resources so that you can sort Phonics lessons by Standard at the beginning of a lesson in the Companion App! In the Teacher Tools area of RK Central, we also have a Phonics Standards and IEP Goals alignment document as well as a document outlining state-specific standards.  By sorting lessons, you can now match objectives and standards with engaging materials that resonate with your students' learning needs.

Sort Phonics Lessons by Standard

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Phonics Assessment: “Add Correct Letter Sounds” Score

You asked for more input on Phonics assessments and we listened! Educators can now view the correct letter sounds and Whole Word Read Scores during a Phonics assessment.  This new precise metric offers deeper insights into each student's phonemic awareness, enabling educators to tailor instruction for improved student learning outcomes. Learn more about our Phonics assessments in our Knowledge Base!

Phonics Assessment Add Correct Letter Sounds Score

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Phonics Assessment: Non-Verbal/Pre-Verbal Learners Can Skip Assessment

Educators are now able to skip the Phonics assessment if the student is currently non-verbal. By giving facilitators the autonomy to remove time barriers, you can now support each learner's journey by championing more inclusive and equitable assessment methodologies. 

Skip Assessment

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Phonics Assessments: Can Be Used as Placement Tests

In one of our favorite new enhancements, educators can now view the recommended level of support (Intensive, Strategic, and Core) and lessons associated with our Phonics assessment results! This new feature bridges the gap between assessment and instruction, offering a seamless data-informed pathway to mastery! Learn more about our Phonics assessments in our Knowledge Base!

PH Assessment Recommendations

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Science of Reading Crosswalk and State-Specific Standard Alignment

To support educators in their quest to find resources aligned with the Science of Reading, RoboKind now has a crosswalk to explicitly show the connections between RoboKind Phonics and the body of research supporting the best practices for teaching our learners to read!

SoR Crosswalk

We are committed to helping educators understand how our Phonics curriculum aligns with state-specific standards. We have created an alignment guide for several states (AK, IN, NE, OK, SC, TX, VA) to help you connect your standards to our Phonics units!

State Standards


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Enhanced and Customizable IEP Goals

Another one of our new favorite educator-requested enhancements is the ability to customize IEP goals in RK Central! Not only will educators have the option to assign date ranges that align with the IEP, but they can see previous goals, as well as add/edit/delete notes! This enhancement also includes the student's name. Learn more about Customizing IEPs in our Knowledge Base!


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Print IEP Goals and Notes

Already excited about the enhancements with IEP Goal-setting within RK Central? Just wait - there's more! Educators can now easily print goal reports that include the notes added for each IEP. Learn more about Printing IEP Goals and Notes in our Knowledge Base

IEP Print

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Which enhancement are you most excited about this school year? Leave us a comment below or email us at feedback@robokind.com


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